Little Blue Shed was birthed by an Australian lady Tanja Curcic that had a stirring in her spirit to assist women living in Africa after a life changing visit to Uganda 2010.
"Often females in developing countries are forced into early marriages, prostitution, trafficking and other dangerous activities to survive"
Mama was sitting inside a blue shed in a nearby village with one sewing machine. Mama asked for more sewing machines to be brought for the other ladies in the village. It was done! The Shed was expanded given a fresh coat of paint and officially named "Little Blue Shed"
Upon returning to Australia after a one year journey there was no passion or purposes left in the 9am - 5pm corporate job.
What once gave fulfillment and a sense of joy had come to a hauling dry place with no way forward but to take a leap of faith.
A one way ticket to Uganda was booked, a small suitcase packed with a few dollars in the bank account.
This was the beginning of a much deeper love affair with Africa .
The next 5 years living in rural Uganda was the most
difficult but transformative experience that opened a new found understanding and compassion for women and
girls living in Africa.
Witnessing the daily struggles and suffering that were so bravely endured gave birth to another level of vision for Little Blue Shed.:
"So I began my mission to provide a solution to empower as many females as possible with sustainable programs" Tanja says
To learn more about us visit Social Impact